Christ-Light Inspirations
Detail from: Starseed 34c
108 x 108 cm / 42 x 42 in
C-print on LEDs, 2023, Katja-Anina Brosius

from within the heart
The Kingdom of Christ Avatars & the Elohim
I create Merkaba temples of light across space and time. Such take me into the powerful conscious presence of Jesus Christ, Christ Avatars, Archangels and Ascended Ones as I paint, meditate and sing. My yoga (Sanskrit, Union with God-ing) path happens mostly through meditation, music and especially through painting with pigments.
It is my wish to express the virtue and light in color, voice and word through wonderful sound art compositions and shining images for individual clients and public spaces. Be warmly welcome to contact me for personal commissions and healing energy art for the path of your Soul. Thank you
♥︎♥︎♥︎ ॐ – Om – Aum – Amen – सो ऽहम् – שלום

Fata Morgana
Digital paining, 16600 x 10001 px
2019, Katja-Anina Brosius

The Light-Heart-Meditation is a meditation technique based on the Light of Jesus Christ and gratitude.
Gratitude means acceptance of everything that is, whether of oneself, the fellow human beings or any occurring situations and happenings. Accepting with gratitude also means letting go of any resentment, criticism, rejection or other blocking energies that prevent our own divine energies and desires from flowing freely.
The human mind and intellect are constantly exposed to criticism and numerous sparks and words of judgment.That’s exactly why it was important for me to develop a meditation technique in which the YES, i.e. deep gratitude for life, is the focus while connecting in stillness with oneself.
The LIGHT HEART MEDITATION brings back the feeling of wholeness and abundance, through gratitude. It is a spiritual study journey to encounter our purpose and the world as it is on all levels. The meditation is guided by and through the purity of the Light of Jesus Christ.
The Intention
El, Eloha, Elohim – towards the One, with the One
My knowledge is based on a variety of different mystical and spiritual teachings of the Abrahamic religions and traditions as well as the journey of the Vedas. My experience is based on endless years and moments of meditation, inner devotion, silence, candle-watching and the pure channeling of the realms from Archangels, Elohim, Christ Avatars, Ashtar Sheran, Starsiblings, Venusian Light Beings and Goddesses.
✧ ❦ ✧
El means something that could be translated as towards or to in Hebrew, as an indication of a direction (intention). It is an elementary root of the word Eloha and Elohim, as well as the -el in the names of angels (Michael, Raphael, Chamuel, Valoel, Aquariel, Uriel, etc.) and is translated as ‘Divinity’ / ‘God-ing‘ / ‘of God. The decision to devote myself to God, or, more specifically, to the process of God-ing is about the intention and direction I take, every day. Physically, mentally, spiritually.

Die Taufe (the baptism)
120 x 120 cm / 47 x 47 in, Oil & silver pigment on canvas
2023, Katja-Anina Brosius
More inspirations about the process and definition of the God and God-ing can be studied in the book: God is a Verb by Rabbi David A. Cooper.
The direct contact to my Guardian Angels, the Crystal angels, the OM-angels, the Archangels, to Buddha, Jesus Christ, Master Babaji, to Saint Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus et de la Saint Face, Lord Hanuman, Padre Pio, Ashtar Sheran, Goddess Venus, Goddess Shakti, the Unicorns, the Elves, Gnomes, Devas and, especially the Elohim, guide me on the journey through the spheres and the return home.
I enjoy celebrating the union with all my guiding Beings of Light before and while I create my art projects, shows and installations.
I often use initiated Light Crystals of Alcyone Sunlords, Christ-Light cities, Shiva, Shakti, and golden Diamond-Dragon realms. The Light Crystals and diamonds are infused with angelic frequencies to deepen the connection in purity and intensity, for matter and mind.
healing energy art & sound
individual commissions
Individual commissions: Oil paintings, LED light paintings, acrylic glass prints, high-quality giclée prints for your unique journey. Let's dive into the ocean of bliss and Ānanda through color and sound 🤍💛
Painting & art workshops

108 x 108 cm / 42 x 42 in
C-print on LEDs, 2023, Katja Anina Brosius
Do you enjoy your creativity? I have met many people who love the idea of creativity, but find themselves in a sentence such as for example, ‘No- I cannot sing’ or ‘No, I am not talented for painting’. Any human being is a wonderful and perfect creator and artist. Sometimes the creativity has just not yet learnt to fully flow through a person as old blockages or unconscious mental programs in the chakras or energy body are still active and withholding that treasure from the person.
Therefore it is my pleasure to help you unlock your divine creativity! We will use individual guided meditations and energy work to free old states of minds, and fill the chakras and the energy bodys with pure divine light and trust and enfolding in one Self. Be free in creative expression 🩷
Being creative or being inspired means to open the vehicle of the Self and let the natural energies of light and miracles enter.
Any painting I have painted, any song I have sung, it was never me who did any that. I just offer my body as a vehicle to the light. It is a great gift to receive consciously from a place of love, divine harmony and bliss for any type of work (art, music, research, any creations).
I encourage every child, every artist and non-artist to experiment for a moment, how it feels, to be guided through consciousness when we create something for and in this world.
I offer different type of meditations or energy work, depending on my client’s wish and situation.
Spiritual art workshops
individual workshops & chakra clearings for creativity & creating
Guided meditations with Archangels and Christ Avatars – Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna, Buddha, Mahavatar Babaji & his line of Ascended Masters. Deep chakra clearings and energy work to awaken your divine creativity. For children & adults. If wished, the workshop includes material for: watercolor (Aquarelle), acrylic paint, or other mediums 🤍💛

My Love
my Heart
my Song
is dedicated
to the One
and the One
It is here
where we melt
into One
into the truths
of our hearts
I say
I love you
now and
om – aum – amen
private commission
Individual Starseed Painting
The Soulstar & Starseed paintings are connected to the wholeness of the color octaves and harmonies that the Soul takes its source from.
We all originate from the same source, yet we have emerged so differently from it.
For the individual creation, I connect my Higher Self to the client’s Higher Self, in guidance with the divine Mother and Father God. Accompanied by beings of light and devas, such as Archangels, Dolphin devas, Elohim Astrea, the Soulstar informations are brought to me in color frequencies, often also in sounds.
Each Soul has an infinitely beautiful and unique sound, similar to the uniqueness of the iris of the eye.
Individual commissions can be created as oil paintings, as digital painting for giclée art prints or LED lightboxes.

Starseed 36 – in der Nähe des Orion (near Orion)
Digital painting for 144 x 144 cm LED lightbox
2022, Katja-Anina Brosius
a painting of your soulstar color harmonies & octaves
custom starseed paintings
Meditating and/or surround yourself with your individual Starseed painting encourages your being on multiple levels to connect with the origin of your Soul and your originating Starseed family. 🤍💛
Alpha kai Omega
El Shaddai
El Elyon
El Olam
יהוה רפא
Elohim Hercules & Amazonia
Elohim Apollo & Lumina
Elohim Heros & Amora
Elohim Astrea & Purity
Elohim Cyclopea & Virginia
Elohim Peace & Aloha
Elohim Arcturus & Victoria
יהוה נסי
El Kanna
מקוה ישראל
יהוה צורי
sri yukteswar
sri ganesha
Basileus Basileon
יהוה צדקנו
El Chai
אש אכלה
master melchizedek
archangel Michael
the enlightened Buddha
יהוה יראה
Qedosh Yisrael
lord ashtar sheran
lord Metatron
יהוה צבאותֿ
lady rowena
saint therese
יהוה שלום