Starseeds – Light In Our Cells
starseeds – light in our cells
a spatial & immersive project for public spaces of health & wellness • paintings, moving images, meditations, poems & vocal soundscapes • ongoing

Starseeds – Light In Our Cells is a multi-media installation for public spaces of health and wellness. Visual compositions of color harmonies are accompanied by 3D audio meditations and poetic audio walks. The spatial audio soundscapes bathe the viewer‘s and listener‘s physical sense of being in harmonies of light to offer deep moments of relaxation and rejuvenation in the here and now.
The intention of the Starseeds project is to explore in how far immersive visual and sound art works and art installations can pick up at the fine line between the communication between psyche and body. A strong focus is placed on using art as a path to inner peace and the pursuit of wholeness mental well-being, without requiring the audience to have any prior knowledge of visual art topics or meditation experience.
The Starseeds project is versatile in its implementations, thus the composing components of the exhibitions can be adapted to different environments (hospitals, hospices, medical centers, etc. as well as private homes, wellness centers, yoga studios). The audience can be of any age as the content mostly consists of abstract and harmonious color and sound harmonies.

first Inspirations for the Starseed project
Vedic science and the primordial knowledge of sacred geometry teach that every cell is an image of the entire universe, and that the universe in turn can be found in the human body as a kind of blueprint. Moreover, there are endless traces and sources from ancient civilizations that clearly indicate that there is a universal language to wholeness in form and color and shape.
Already Hildegard of Bingen (Liber Divinorum Operum) and Leonardo da Vinci (Codex Antlanticus) published detailed books and works on Sacred Geometry, the Ratio of Phi, the Flower and Egg of Life and many other features that have been consistently recognizable for many thousands of years in accordance with correct astronomical positions.
Thus not only modern science, such as epigenetics, show that there is more than just diet, exercise and sleep that influence and change the mind. Rather, there is a consistent opportunity of choice to consciously steer the human organism towards a new way of how to perceive, experience and receive life energy.
Abstract color compositions: the rothko room inspiration
A key inspiration for the project was the experience of abstract, large format color impressions and the psychological effect within such at the ‚Rothko Room‘ of the Phillips Collection in Wasington DC in 2012.
I was exposed to intense, color compositions of the great artist in one small room. The colors resonated so deeply within me that I was in tears and emotional release only a few minutes after entering the room. The language of formlessness impressed me beyond anything. Especially because abstract color communication such in this room transcends the symbolism of religions and fashions.
From that moment on, it was my desire to further explore and experience the depth of abstraction and surrender to the unique aurasomatic experience of color.
A journey of long meditations began. A process began of a communication between the color octaves of the inner soul vision and the connection to the spirit of nature and cosmos. Silence and stillness expand, and with it the journey from cell memories to the stars and back into my cells.

second inspiration: participation in a hackathon about cell recognition
My participation in a cell recognition and diagnosis hackathon at HS Analysis GmbH in 2018 led to another key experience for this project.
My team was asked to analyze stem cell images in order to create an AI automated detection algorithm to quickly spot diseased cells. The observation and analysis of these microscopic enlargements had an enormous inspiring effect on me. I looked at images of blood cells, nerve cells, brain cells and many more types of cells.
For the first time, I asked myself the question and thus also the thesis as to whether the increased and intense visual contemplation of a healthy or perfect cell – as I perceive them artistically in the auras of people, plants or stars – can help with a self-healing process or deepen the experience of guided meditations based on visual impressions and astral journeys.
In Eastern religions, mandalas or yantras have been used for thousands of years as meditative healing rites by establishing communication between the symbol and the psyche. Couldn’t abstract and consciously chosen color harmonies and octaves also establish a communication between body and psyche, the conscious and unconscious?

art and sound for moments of wellness for the mind and the soul
What types and doses of self-healing impulses can arise through visual impressions? Can visual and sound art be a partial experience on the path to healing or wholeness? To what extent do the various stem cell and cell group images resemble patterns of galaxies or star arrangements?
stillness and meditation as a path of artistic inspiration
After first experiences and a daily practice of meditations, I wanted to focus my meditative techniques especially on connecting with stars and light-energies in the universe. During extensive sessions of meditations and energy work, I started to immerse myself in complete silence and let myself dive into my presence in all its depth. At a certain moment in the meditations, when the thoughts turned into nothingness and the sensation of the skin has transcended into a growing space, my mind then connects with a specific star, or rather the angel or spirit of that very star. Color harmonies, impressions and sounds stream into my heart. Silence. Joy.
After several years of meditation practices and star-connections, I began to consciously connect with saints, with Jesus Christ, angels, plants and many spirits of nature and devas. More and more color octaves from near and far are now reaching through my brush onto the canvas or through my voice into the sung word.

First exhibtion of starseeds – light in our cells
The first exhibition of this project is taking place at Hôpitaux Robert-Schuman in Kirchberg, Luxembourg in summer 2025.
If you would like to be informed about upcoming exhibitions, immersive concerts and shows of the Starseeds – Light In Our Cells project please follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter (sent 2 – 4 times per year). Thank you!

Supported by
The project Starseeds – Light In Our Cells has received following support and project grant:
The project and exhibition is supported by the fonds stART-up of l’Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte:
• www.oeuvre.lu
• Instagram: @oeuvre_luxembourg
The project and exhibition is supported by the Fondation Indépendance by BIL:
• www.bil.com/fondation-independance
• Instagram: @bil_lux

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