Ever Glade 3D Audio Music Release
ever glade – 3D audio Music release
piano, vocals, electronica: music release ever glade, 3d audio binaural & ambisonics mix, 11:22 min, 2021
No matter how dark the demons
No matter how wicked the watcher
No matter how hellish the spell
He will shelter you with His wings
and send out the angels to sing
For ever glade is the chant of His will
Ever Glade is a 3D audio music release from 2021. The experimental piano piece paints the transformation of industrial darkness into an open glade. The atmosphere is introduced with electronically processed industrial field recordings, which are taken away by a distanced piano playing. Choral voices evolve out with the approaching sounds of the piano composition. Ever Glade elucidates that the light always knows how to supersede the darkness.
The spatial audio composing and mixing creates and extra depth of listening experience to the piece. A unique listening for 3D audio ambisonics installations.

This photograph was taken at the atrium of HfG Karlsruhe / ZKM by a loving co-student
flora & fauna, here & there, Now & then
For as long as I can remember I have adored hot weather, especially when the heat comes with plenty of humidity. I do enjoy pure sunshine only in intervals with clouds, fog, rain, storms, and, especially, the darkness and the mystery of nights.
With the heat, everything seems to slow down while expanding at the same time. With the night, silence and breath can expand, that in the business of a modern world get forgotten too quickly.
That expanding effect of heat and night is what makes me love both so much. There are some animals who seem to love the same way I do.
Can you hear those bugs, how they talk and communicate, how they sing and fly? Can you hear the forest animals awaken at nights? Hot weather makes it easy to melt and dissolve into a flora and fauna, here and there, now and then.
It is a very common question: Where will you go when you die? I don’t, I just imagine. Thus this song was born.
the everglades as a space of inspirations
The Everglades National Park in Florida, USA, has inspired me strongly. The Everglades are a pattern of wetlands and forests in a humid, tropical and ever warm climate. There live around 350 species of birds, 300 species of fresh and saltwater fish, 40 species of mammals, and 50 species of reptiles.
The wonderful pines trees and pine rocklands make me forget time and space. Their aura is expanding with such golden warmth, I truly feel like a baby to mother Gaia when walking or sitting next to them. I strongly recommend every one to visit the Everglades National Park at least once in a lifetime… It is like a forgotten era that once was all over this planet, resp. the world of human beings was the tropical world.
For ever glade is the sunshine of the first love we received when coming to this earth. May the peace and love mother Gaia welcomed us with, be in our actions and intentions when further expanding human life on this planet. Let us seek the contact with ancient species again, such as the Golden Light Dragons, the Unicorns, all the Devas… The stronger beast of the human ego has become, the further away these families and species of light have gone from our eyes. They left our dimensions, and are waiting on other spheres until human beings find their true love again. True love inside our hearts, inside our species…. as Disney has shown us so beautifully in his adaption of the Beauty and the Beast. The flora and fauna of the Everglades keeps that pure love and beauty ready for us to discover. A travel home…
music, spatial audio soundtrack, film releases & publications by katja-anina brosius
Bio, CV, grants and music and film publications by Katja-Anina Brosius can be viewed here on the website .
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