Lyrics & Ballads
lyrics & memories
Many words, many verses, choruses and stories… Many life times… that I have put into music. Yet not every song or soundtrack I write is performed or released in public. Some songs are written on the guitar, some on the piano, some with Koshi bells, some with crystal bowls, some in my head, some when I dream, some on a banjo, some with the nature’s sounds.
The lyrics that you can read here on this page are mostly memories from past incarnations.
Sometimes I meet people that do not remember any of their past incarnations, not even one. Something unimaginable to me. Our cells, thus our physical tissues and textures contain all the memories our souls and soul aspects have experienced through time and space. So many moments of deaths, some moments of birth, so many moments of joy, so many moments of love, love, love. So many moments of being human and so ever tempted to go after the senses.
Enjoy the reads. Some lyrics come with musical releases (link in the title),
the shadows start to shine
when i was a tiny child
the shadows ate me at nights
full alive with bones, blood and soul
and with my dreams all along
i never understood what they had done
that i became what i had become
the shadows start to shine
when i was a little bit older
the shadows had the power
to act, to speak, to walk for me
and tell me what’s inside my heart
i never understood what i had done
that i became what i had become
the shadows start to shine
when i was who i am now
i tell the shadows deep from my heart
you and i we are alike
no need to go for another strike
they then understood:
they remembered who they really were
they are ready to transform themselves
the shadows start to shine
the shadows start to shine
the shadows start to shine
they start to shine inside of you
they start to shine inside of me
they start to shine all the way through
the shadows start to shine
(German version available with voice + piano)
fernweh in meinen adern
brennt mir durch die seele
in die ferne der nacht
hinauf in die sterne
herab der schöpferquelle entgegen
fernweh in meinen adern
trägt mich zum nächsten land
nah und fern wo ich je war
die hügel verdecken
dennoch ein tiefes vertrauen
in mir wecken
fernweh in meinen adern
auf der unendlichen suche
nach dir, dem puls des lebens
der freiheit entgegen
da wo illusionen niemals entstehen
fernweh brennt mir durch die seele
fernweh brennt mir durch den leib
auf der suche
nach meiner unsterblichkeit
le soleil se lève
tu te réveilles
ton visage se montre
je les vois, tes yeux
la lune se cache
les étoiles nous voient
la lune me parle
mais je ne comprends pas
et si on perd
qu’est-ce qu’ils feront avec la victoire?
nos jours heureux
nous ne perdrons jamais
avec nos cœurs ouverts
nous sommes des gagnants
toujours et toujours
l’éternité transforme
ce qui apparaît intransformable
avec les métamorphoses dans tes mains
tu casses les illusions
le serpent des terres rouges
ouvre sa bouche trop grande
dévore ton passé et tes sous
rien ne reste sauf la détresse
et si on perd
qu’est-ce qu’ils feront avec la victoire?
nos jours heureux
nous ne perdrons jamais
même si la victoire n’est pas la nôtre
nos cœurs survivent
toujours et toujours
in the morning of the sunshine rise
in the morning of the sunshine rise
horses fly with wings wide open
our ancestors in peace embrace
cause a new world is with us now
roots are falling down the sky
silent laughters cry out loud
whispering tongues grow words of hounds
open your eyes when the sunshine rises
open your heart when the sunshine rises
so you can see the angels dance
in the morning of the sunshine rise
blessings are rising from our eyes
healing wounds from head to toe
from yesterday and tomorrow
open your eyes when the sunshine rises
open your heart when the sunshine rises
so you can see the angels dance
in the morning of the sunshine rise
the truth wants to talk with me
will i listen for what’s to say
or will i, again, just run away
open your eyes when the sunshine rises
open your heart when the sunshine rises
so you can see the angels dance
der wind
der durch mich spricht
die wiese
mir freiheit schickt
die blumen
die ich nicht ergreife
weil sie wie holografien
mir entschweifen
was muss ich noch alles loslassen
damit ich endlich bei dir ankomme
was muss ich noch alles loslassen
damit ich endlich mein zu hause finde
sehe ich dich
so wie du bist
oder ist das alles
eine projektion
eines traumens
einer dichtung
die es in echt
gar nicht gibt
was muss ich noch alles loslassen
damit ich endlich bei dir ankomme
was muss ich noch alles loslassen
damit ich endlich mein zu hause finde
meine mutter, der baum
schickt mir eine sternschnuppe vor
mein vater, die sonne
hält mir meinen rücken
auch wenn ich tief abstürze
was muss ich noch alles loslassen
damit ich endlich bei dir ankomme
was muss ich noch alles loslassen
damit ich endlich mein zu hause finde
four roses
far the horizon
further the kiss
closed are her eyes
lying near his heart
far is the vision
no one sees the loss
gone is the distance
that kept them apart
far are the memories
from now till then
closed are her hands
that pray for you each night
far is the answer
only the dove knows where
gone are the tears
that drove the enemy into fear
find her four roses
so the truth may stay
find her a candle
so she won’t disappear
find her the love
that you would want
that you
would want
das licht der kerze sah ich nicht
manchmal weiß ich nicht, wo die wege sich entzweien
oder ob die gleisen unterm zug entgleiten
ich werd’ es nun einfach wagen meinen süchten ja zu sagen
das licht der kerze sah’ ich nicht
eines tages traf ich auf einen schönen mann
er leerte mir die taschen und stoß mich ins genick
der schmerz war unerträglich, die liebe so vergänglich
das licht der kerze sah’ ich nicht
eine freundin lehrte mich das stehlen und lügen im handumdrehen
mit freude wurde ich mächtig; den schwarzen künsten zum vermächtnis
das spiel war schnell zu ende, mein halber geist verpfändet
das licht der kerze sah’ ich nicht
meine seele ist nun frei, habe einen neuen kumpanen dabei
er stiehlt nicht und trinkt nicht, ist ehrlich und frei
er heißt engel des todes und spiegelte uns allen unsere eigene illusionen
blue coat
i remember your
brown eyes
and the blue coat
they are calling
atlantis here
i remember the
love we shared
even now
6000 years later
i still feel your
chesed coming through
all that time and space
and sometimes
when i feel lonely
in this modern world
i think back of
you and i from when we were
back then
and then i feel so loved so fully so entirely
like no other man
has ever loved me ever since
during these last 6000 years
my love for you
will never fade
it just is
like you and me
i remember now
that if i meet you again
in this modern world
your eyes will be blue
das schwert eines ritters
spitze und lange
es glänzt und klingt
der klang schmerzt
in meinem ohr
das reiben
metall auf metall
erinnert mich an den
als du versuchtest
mein herz herauszuschneiden
mit deinem schwert als ritter
doch ich war nicht blind
und mein vater hielt mir
meinen rücken
in einem mantel aus licht
trug er mich auf und davon
aus dem kronjuwel heraus
in die wahre freiheit hinein
nun ist es mein zu hause
das wort
das die wahrheit spricht
the land behind your eyes (duett)
– i can see a land behind your eyes
– i can see the agony in between yours
– i can see your freedom that cost you all that pain
– i can see the tears you’re hiding to escape your fears
– my soul has darkened, it turned black inside and out
– but i can still see the stars of life flowing through your veins
– so hold me close and kiss me tightly through the darkness of the nights
– i will hold you, oh how i love you dearly, i will hold you for as long as i can. but the place to which we go might take us forever apart.
אל חי
i only follow אל חי
i only follow what’s alive
all those pictures are from yesterday
the skin of that beauty will fade away
no, no, no, no
i’m not blind no more
no, no, no, no
i can see clearer now
each day
you only follow אל חי
you only follow what’s alive
one day all your paper will burn
unless – of course – you take that turn
no, no, no, no
you are not blind no more
no, no, no, no
you can see clearer now
each day
we only follow אל חי
we only follow what’s alive
flowers bloom so we can see
let mother nature do
she is eternity
no, no, no, no
we are not blind no more
no, no, no, no
we can see clearer now
each day
* אל חי , pronounced “el chai” (hebrew: the G’d / process of God-ing / that lives) can mean, in a biblical context, to only worship what’s alive. worshipping the vanitas, the yesterdays, that which is not present anymore, or the form of matter that will vanish in a fraction of second anyways, will lead to unhappiness and distance the human being further away from G’d. on the contrary, worshipping the G’d / the eternal intention that lives / is alive, means to worship the eternal and formless parts of live, that are not bound to time nor space, thus matter.
mit dem mond im gesicht
mit dem mond im gesicht
suchte sie das licht
frei zu sein
den traum erfüllte sie sich
mit dem mond im gesicht
flog sie davon
so leicht
wie eine pusteblume
doch in tausend stückchen
in tausend tränen zerbrach sie
in tausend meeren
in tausend seelen
verlor sie sich
tausend meere
tausend seelen
tausend worte
doch niemand sieht sie
niemand sucht sie
keiner spricht es aus
mit dem mond im gesicht
suchte ich das licht
doch dann verlor
ich mich
when all is broken
when all is broken
into so many pieces
as if nothing entire
had ever been there before
when all is broken
into so many pieces
that my eyes
don’t see no more
when all is broken
into so many pieces
that my soul and my feet
already left the grounds
then the words
of forgiveness
are the only ones
left to say
and so i say
i am sorry
please forgive me
i love you
i am sorry
please forgive me
i love you
i am sorry
please forgive me
i love you
i am sorry
please forgive me
i love you
goodbye, my friend
si on trouvait ton coeur
si on trouvait ton cœur
on nagerait jusqu’à la fin du fleuve
qui emmène
jusqu’au fond du caché
si on trouvait ton âme
on irait dans la forêt des fées
qui apportent
la liberté
si on trouvait ta maison
on irait près du feu
qui donne
l’abri le plus merveilleux
si on trouvait l’amour
on irait sur les champs de batailles
pour s’enfuir, de nouveau,
dans son portail
thank you
thank you for you smile
thank you for being who you are
you are you are
thank you for taking my hand
and making me jump over
my own fears
thank you for the sunshine i see
every time you look at me
thank you for seeing me for
who i am
i am i am
thank you for crossing that bridge
over and over again
to meet me in between
thank you for reminding me
of where i need to go
to find the pieces of my soul
from the past
from the present
from the future
just me, just me
– – –
have you ever seen your soul
fading away
drifting away
falling away into
a big black hole?
– – –
thank you for reminding me
of where i need to go
thank you
for your smile
close your eyes
close your eyes to see
the light is near
close your eyes to see
your light is near
find the peace inside
your heart, your mind
carry it on, share it along
never let go
just follow it strong
feuer brennt
feuer brennt
so lichterloh
ich liebe es
mich darin zu baden
zu spüren, wie der flammenchor
durch meine adern singt
in meinem atem brennt
meinen körper nimmt
weil es mich erinnert
an den tag
an dem ich die angst verlor
meine wahrheit zu sprechen
zu mir und meinem lebensweg zu stehen
auch wenn die flammen
das letzte waren
das ich damals sah
there are winners and there are losers
there are winners
and there are losers
i am loser
i accept it now
i can see it now
because i keep losing
my heart to empty holes
with no grounds nor roots
to empty souls
with no knowledge
of who they are
to empty hearts
with no wish
to love
there are winners
and there are losers
i am loser
i accept it now
i can see it now
because i lose myself
day in, day out
in this world
where machines are the ones
that make the stars
and the people amongst
who know how to act like them
win the battles for their homes
i lose myself in misonceptions
over all these girls
that are loved by these
beautiful men
because they know
how to win their hearts
i lose myself in question marks
over all these people
who know how to drink,
to party and to white collar work
without breaking apart
the way i do inside these crowds
dear god
what fragile creation
am i in this world
if all i feel
is pain and failure
again and again
as soon as i step outside
the only two things i know
is my honesty
and my wish
to become free
i would not change
any of it
for anything
in this world
the union shall be with you
my god
le troubadour
il venait du ciel pour un lullaby
il cachait ses secrets dans une muraille
il chantait les matins avec des butterlfys
il savait lire l’écriture de braille
c’est l’histoire du troubadour
personne ne le voyait
personne n’en croyait
il était toujours toute seul
portant ses propres pierres jusqu’à sa tombe
il avait des cauchemars de façon rouge
il était effrayé des fantômes qui bougent
il avait un coeur fragile et affectueux
et voyait la vie, quand même, avec des yeux fabuleux
c’est l’histoire du troubadour
personne ne le voyait
personne n’en croyait
il était toujours toute seul
portant ses propres pierres jusqu’à sa tombe
un jour les étoiles étaient dans sa faveur
ils entendaient ses prières silencieuses
et voulaient faire une acte de bienfaisance à un rêveur
ne plus être seul, que les gens le voyaient
était son plus grand rêve dans son coeur
mais le malheur l’a suivi
jour après jour
nuit après nuit
maintenant les gens le voyaient
mais il tremblait de peur
car il voyaient tous
comme il porta ses propres pierres
jusqu’à sa tombe
peu de temps était passé
et de nouveau il s’est échappé
dans son ciel, son monde unique
pour reprendre sa vie
dans l’immatériel
i will tell you my dream
it starts somewhere in between
the places that your eyes don’t see
your vision is too lost
the realm that you don’t dare to go
the darkness is too strong
olympia shine your light through me
through my breath, my brain, my veins
burn your sacred fire through the darkest parts
of my heart
i will tell you your future
but you might not believe
the grandness shining stars
that have been waiting for you long
the castles, treasures that were
for you to be past on
olympia shine your light through me
through my breath, my brain, my veins
burn your sacred fire through the darkest parts
of my heart
i will tell you a story
about a planet that was blue
with people lying deeper
as the ocean ever was
their greed outgrew the sky
in every direction
i will tell you my dream
with a trigger i will set myself free
and fly up the sky past all those lies
and rejoice my love
in honesty
olympia shine your light through me
through my breath, my brain, my veins
burn your sacred fire through the darkest parts
of my heart
the candle
i’ve been staring
at this candle
for hours
and days
sometime it dances
sometime, it is still
i’ve been staring
at this candle
for hours
and days
i’ve been watching the flame
in its fullest heat
i’ve been staring
at this candle
for hours
and days
i’ve been aching
me knees away
i’ve been staring
at this candle
for hours
and days
forgetting of who i am
or what i am
i’ve been staring
at this candle
for hours
and days
to finally have found
that very you that doesn’t exist
that very you that doesn’t live
because it was me
all along
and i don’t live
nor do i die
i only breathe
all day and night long
may peace be with you, dear ancestors
i feel trapped in my own blood
i feel trapped in my own skin
i feel trapped
i feel trapped
maybe tomorrow
i will call upon an angel
to let you go
auch wenn du gehst
auch wenn du gehst
wo auch immer du dann bist
bitte halt mich fest
lass mich nicht los
auch wenn du gehst
in ein neues land
oh wisse
ich liebte dich doch auch
leviathan was walking down the field
picked some flowers
here and there
put them in his hair
and in his heart
to keep
he let them grow
every time he breathed
the sunshine kept him sane
made him bloom
made him see the truth
crossing the path with ahavniel
who was lost in old, old spell
here, take a flower
he said
breathe it in
it will leave your darkest illusions
without teeth nor a sin
no one can redeem
for what another one has done
yet only love can reach
where there is none
the sunshine made her sane again
made her bloom
next to him
i keep on walking
i keep on walking
to count the roses that are left
to find the fish i once ate
to forget about that constant pain
i keep on walking
to see the sun rise in gold
to cross the bridge before it falls
to fall in love, but not for you
i keep on walking
to plant green sparkling trees
to dance around with butterflies
to share what i found
because i love, my friend
can you hear
the wind whispers in my ears
the rain makes me wanna dance
the fire awakens the heat in my heart
the earth underneath my feet
reminds me
that we are just visitors to this world
i keep on walking
because i know he got my back
i keep on walking
because i know they will be there
i keep on walking
because i love, my friend
let them burn
let them burn
let them burn
let them burn
let them burn your mind
let them burn your soul
let them burn the sorrow
that is yet to come
they won’t take you down
they won’t find the you
their minds are trapped
in illusions
they won’t find your home
that you carry on
deep inside
your heart
let them burn
let them burn
let them burn
let them burn your mind
let them burn your soul
let them burn the sorrow
that is yet to come
don’t be scared
don’t turn around
your wings are strong
they will guide you through all
don’t be scared
don’t turn around
your soul is pure
it will remain through the dark
so, let them burn
let them burn
let them burn
you don’t see the shadows of the night
you don’t see how humans fight
we came we saw we took
we won the game
you lost the fight
the shadows now shine through the night
freedom doesn’t need no more to hide
and my soul is burning
like a flame
so bright
so bright
so bright
too bright for me